Between 25-50% of all rural job loss is due to a lack of broadband (Broadband Communities Magazine)
The average home today has six Internet-connected devices that require increasingly dense broadband capacity
High-definition video produces five times more data than normal
The telecom infrastructure currently available to residential consumers in Ottawa is not capable of supporting bandwidth requirements of these latest high definition technologies, let alone the rising capacity needed for surging Video-on-Demand and Gaming applications.
Canada already lags globally
These speeds provide true interactive broadband connectivity with average speeds approaching 100Mbs. That is 20 X faster than current residential Internet download speeds in Canada and 70 X faster than current upload speeds in Canada.
The big Internet service providers have responded to this explosive growth by blocking or restricting service on their networks in order to provide an acceptable level of service to all of its customers.
Properties that have broadband access are valued at $5-7k more than otherwise.